Hey, so I just kinda disappeared out
of nowhere with only a vague comment
about going on a hiatus but never making
any "official announcement" about it.
So here I am, just tryna get y'all up to
speed with what's been going through
my life. Nothin' much, but still quite a
lot, so when I make a comeback to all
art places, I'm gonna have to do some
heavy rework of all my social media to
make sure everything's up to date, since
many things are very outdated.
So first off, the reason why I went on
this hiatus was because of the heavy
burnout and a lot of pressure that I was
putting on myself, on top of being very
emotionally unstable due to gruesome
things happening in my life (cutting ties
with "friends" that manipulated me, feeling
awful about myself, my art, and everything
I do, added to having an overall bad luck
strike for some months, where it seemed
like I could not do a single thing right
without messing up five in the process),
so I was forcing myself to draw to exhaustion
just to keep doing something, so I wouldn't
have an anxiety attack. But I just couldn't
keep on doing that, which is why I decided
to stop producing art for most of this year.
The emphasis is on the word "producing".
I'm still making and creating new art, but
putting less and less effort into it, and just
drawing anything I felt like at the moment,
mostly just pencil sketches that I posted
on my Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, and
refraining from creating digital art.
It's worked wonders on my psyche, and
with every week that went by, I began to
"fall in love" again with drawing. I still do
not plan to return to making art "seriously",
but when I do, I definitely will change the
way I produce art, so I can still find the
art process enjoyable without putting too
much "unnecesarily pointless" effort into
it. Some of the sketches I made got a lot
of likes and attention, easily putting the
rest of my artworks to shame! So yeah,
there's that.
The second reason is that since I am a
person who just-so happens to be and
live in Venezuela, my Paypal account
got terminated when I received a very
much needed donation, and now I cannot
accept support from anyone until I can
find a suitable replacement to use that
is not Paypal. This means that I am no
longer taking commissions(not that I
ever got any commissions to begin with),
and my Ko-Fi account has donations
turned off, essentially locking away
all the exclusive content that was
uploaded there. Then I watched that
Duchess Celestia video where she
talked about Ko-Fi's lack of security
and how she lost a lot of money, so
it's safe to say that I will quit using
Ko-Fi altogether. I'm planning to
migrate all my content to Patreon so
my content is still available for, idk,
some lost wandering soul that sends
me money probably by mistake, but
till then, all of my more recent artworks
are banished to the Shadow Realm.
The third reason is that my ol' dinosaur
PC is finally gonna get upgraded to 64
bits, so I had to do the tiresome task of
making backups of everything I had on
it, using only one 23 GB USB drive.
Because of that, I couldn't make any
digital art even if I wanted to, because
I do not have the program to do it, so
yeah, if anything, I'd call that a win.
That said, once my PC is fully functional
again, THAT is when I will be able to
produce digital art normally again, so
my hiatus will go on a little longer after
I feel fully "recovered".
That, in a nutshell, is why I went on this
massive hiatus, and let me tell ya, hiatuses
are underrated! I know y'all who live off of
art have your brains consumed by hustle
culture and wouldn't take a break even if
your working hand fell off your arm, but as
someone who never had art as a career
option, taking this time off was the best
thing I could ever do. I feel rejuvenated!
I'm starting to enjoy things again! I'm happier!
I'm exploring new things and rediscovering
things that I'd forgotten about or left behind!
I am much better now!
So yeah what I'm trying to say, is that
this perception of taking a break as
something bad that has to be avoided,
and more like a positive thing, seriously!
People gotta stop focusing on those silly
Twitter numbers and start focusing more
on their health and well-being!
"Yeah but it's not that simple, some of us
need to make art for a living", brother,
I am not looking for a debate, please do
not try to reply with this, because I will
ignore you. I am in the right, and so are
you. Let's just agree to disagree, and
move on with our lives, okay?
And that would be it! Just dropping by
to let y'all know that I'm still breathing,
that I haven't given up on Newgrounds,
and that hopefully soon I will return with
more art and better than ever!
As my favorite FNaF character would say,
I always come back. ;)
Be seein' ya!