Actually, no, I'm not an artist! That's what someone told me, at least.
Hey, is that one purple? Purple is my favorite color!
Cosplayer / Fanfiction writer wannabe.
También hablo español, por cierto.

She/her or they/them

I'm my mother's pet

The school of life

The outer space

Joined on 12/24/22

Exp Points:
356 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.73 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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YukarinLadyboss495's News

Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - September 17th, 2024


Hace rato que no publico y es que le doy

largas y largas a todo. Han pasado como

4 meses desde que publiqué un nuevo fic.

¡Pero bueno! Como estamos en la semana

aniversaria de Undertale(?), hoy les traigo

mi nuevo fanfic... Es de Deltarune.


Desde la Máquina.

Un fic interpretativo que recuenta la trama

del Capítulo 1, desde la perspectiva de Kris,

y de la persona que "controla" a Kris.

Es más una teoría/headcanon que un fanfic(?),

pues me inspiré de videos de teorías para

escribirlo. ^^;

Lo pueden leer en Archive of Our Own, en

Wattpad, y en FanFiction Net.

¡Espero que lo disfruten!


Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - July 17th, 2024

Hello, people! Been a solid minute

since the last time I've updated here!

Last weekend I went to a local anime

bazaar and I cosplayed as Kris!

I've been very busy and with my hands

full working on this, so, I'm really happy

that I finally managed to finish it in time

to show it off! Check this out:

(the photos have a lot of filters and edition

so they look cool for Instagram ^^;)






It was a 2 day event and the second day I

forgot to bring the gloves with me, so that's

why my hands look white in some photos and

blue in others. I had to improvise by painting my

hands blue, and also some of these were taken

late when the bazaar was already finishing and

the paint was fading off. ^^;

My boyfriend debuted as a cosplayer as well!

He went with another friend as 9S and 2B, and

we all had a blast together as a group. Another boy

also went as 9S, and instead of side-eyeing him for

"copying", we got along with him and it was so much

fun! Definitely the highlight of the event.



Yes, Kris x 9S is my new crackship.

I call it... Krises (pronounced "crisis"). :3

I loved making this cosplay! It feels

good knowing that I did it all by myself,

the armor, the shield, the gloves and

the cape. I was never "good" in arts &

crafts growing up, so I'm really proud

that I managed to build this with my

hands. I know I can improve and make

it look even better, and that motivates

me to keep doing it. I'm just happy to

have participated in this event. It adds

years to my lifespan. ^^

But yeah, I hope you like this cosplay!

And, if you want to see more photos of

the event and all of the cosplayers, you

might as well go check them out on my


I'll be seein' ya 'round! ^^)/



Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - April 30th, 2024


Hace rato que no actualizo lo que respecta

a mis fanfictions, y es porque he tenido que

hacer una pausa debido a mis episodios de

depresión, pero poco a poco he ido recupe-

rando tiempo para escribir, y es por esto que

hoy les traigo mi nuevo fanfic!


¡Desabrido Romance!

Esto es un fanfic que escribí para desahogarme,

así que es un poco edgy y tiene temas como el

gaslight y violencia ligera además de incluir

referencias a la Ruta Snowgrave, pero espero

que por lo menos les resulte algo entretenido. ^^;

Lo pueden leer en AO3, Wattpad, y FFN:

AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55574302

WTT: https://www.wattpad.com/1442386064-desabrido-romance

FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14351905/1/Desabrido-Romance


Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - January 17th, 2024


Normalmente no publico en español pero

en esta ocasión estoy aquí para presentar,

¡mi primer fanfic! Les traigo a: Almas Y

Monstruos, un crossover entre Yu-Gi-Oh!

y Shaman King. Los dos animes shounen

que más me gustan ^^


Es, como ya dije, la primera historia que

escribo así que está un poquito cringe y

cursi, pero es algo que empecé a escribir

a mediados del año pasado cuando estaba

en medio de la depresión, y le tomé cariño,

así que por eso la estoy publicando. Es para

aprender. A mí me gustó y espero que a

ustedes también.

Pueden leerlo en Wattpad, AO3, y FanFiction.Net.

Gracias por su atención ^^;



Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - December 31st, 2023

It is time for end-of-the-year thoughts

and art summaries!


2022 was the worst year in my life, and

2023 was the aftermath. A whole year of

recovering from the emotional burdens

that '22 left on me. Had to deal with burn-

out and depression, and try to find some

sort of balance between producing art to

get them filthy internet likes, and actually

putting in some effort to get a little better

in my life. It was a long process, but I can

finally say, that I am happy once again.

I think you can kinda see my emotional

state reflected on my art during this year

in this art summary. Around April and May

I had my meltdown and decided to go on

hiatus on June, which was the direct or

indirect cause of my art becoming simpler

and lower effort, eventually falling into a

same face syndrome. Around October I

finally started to feel good with myself

and actually enjoy making art again,

leading to me discovering a new style

of coloring that I'd say reflects my current

state of mind. I had to stop making art so

my art could become better. Man, hiatuses

are SO underrated, y'all have no idea.

The highlight of this year is that I did not

end up giving up entirely on art and I don't

feel like giving up on art, in fact, I've never

felt like making art so much as right now,

but for my own health, I have to slow down

on the art production until I can actually

afford to waste my time making art only.

I discovered new hobbies, so I won't get

bored in the meantime! I debuted in cosplay

and I have projects that I'll soon announce

here and will still make art for those projects,

but everything will come when it is the right

moment, and only I can decide when that is.

I'm not worrying about my art getting better

or worse this year that's about to come, nor

am I thinking about how many drawings I'll

make. I just want to get luckier in life, and

art never did me any favors.

It's so liberating to think this way, finally

realizing that, in the "algorithms" game,

some people just never get their chance to

become popular. Knowing this, I can just move

on to the next thing. Maybe I'll have better luck.

Anyways, this text wall is long enough as it is.

I hope y'all live your best lives, and have a very

Happy New Year!

By: Y-K☆ミ



Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - December 22nd, 2023

The Face Your Art challenge thingy!


This year I developed a certain level of

"same face syndrome" due to making

low-effort drawings during my art hiatus.

Since I don't limit myself to one formula

of drawing (i.e. cute girls smiling idly), I

normally attempt to portray the facial

expression the characters would be

making in the "context" of the drawing,

but this year I didn't feel like putting in

that extra effort, so most of the drawings

I've made have very samey expressions,

and these are the few that stood out.

I know I can overcome this, and hopefully

next year I'll continue on improving and

maybe make more varied drawings, but

for know, these are the faces I've drawn

this year.

I hope y'all like it! ^^



Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - December 18th, 2023

Yesterday I attended to an anime bazaar

and debuted as a cosplayer! I'm no longer

a wannabe♥

Check out my Nurse Kris Dreemurr cosplay!


It's my first cosplay so it's very low-cost,

but I had lots of fun and it was one of the

best experiences I had in my life ^^

I made a new IG account where I'll post more

photos and hopefully more cosplays in the

future. It's a new start for me and I'm ready

for it! ^^

I hope y'all like it!


Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - December 11th, 2023

Comparing a drawing I made this year with

a different one from two years ago.


The 2021 one was colored by an art pal

of mine, who goes by Wiza47off on Twitter.

You should check him out!

The 2023 one was fully colored by me.

Nothing special. I just wanted to compare

these two pieces, because I found out that

I tend to draw Yukarin in this specific pose,

for pretty much no reason other than it's

pretty much a pose I do a lot irl and that is

reflected in my OC.

These drawings are very different in concept

so I'm not sure how accurate this comparison

is, but I feel like I've improved a lot in respect

to anatomy and structure of the characters, so

this pose feels more natural and less "stilted"

The proportions are quite different too. But I

definitely see that I now give the characters

pretty big heads, which is probably not very

anatomically correct, but thanks to this com-

parison I can now know that.

And, yeah, there's not much else I'd like to

say. Check Wiza47's art out! He makes some

neat stuff.

Be seein' ya!


Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - December 10th, 2023

Since I don't know where would be more

correct to post it, I'll just make a blog post.

Art vs Artist! See my face!


This is the third year I do this, since I don't

really post my face on social media outside

of my own personal accounts, but this one

is fun and it's December, so why not?

I will make more posts following the Face

Your Art challenge and of course, my Summary

of Art, but for now you'll get my face = )

Some of the drawings featured here have

not been posted yet, but eventually...!

It's been a while since the last time I posted

here. I want to come back.

I hope y'all like it! ^^



Posted by YukarinLadyboss495 - August 27th, 2023

It's international cosplay day!

So here's my (attempted) Kris cosplay:




Photos have been edited because

I can't afford stuff.

It's not perfect, but I had lots of fun

doing this silly thing.

I hope y'all like it!
