Hello, people! Uh, happy new year?
I haven't really been active here for
months now, only been "lurking" and
leaving comments and favoriting stuff,
because for me, last year up until now
has been very rough and I'm still trying
to process the fact that it's 2025 now.
I'm barely beginning to feel like my year
is finally starting, so I can't really say I
am ready to make, like, a "comeback",
but for now, have my Summary of Art
and Art vs Artist!!!
2024 was a year where I didn't draw a
lot, but I think I managed to vary a bit in
the subjects I drew. I even did some OC
art and a bit of experimentation, but still;
November's drawing is left unfinished and
I don't even think I'll ever finish it anytime
soon. 2024 is also the year I retire from
art. I genuinely no longer feel like I enjoy
the process of making art, plus, the art
scholars and purists bullied me off IG and
I'm not even getting paid to draw, so, I don't
see any reason for me to stay and "keep it
This is my Art VS Artist. Pretty much more of
the same; as I said, I didn't draw a lot last year.
I finally managed to come out publicly as gender-
fluid, so that's pretty much helped a lot with my
self-esteem. I decided to move on to do cosplay,
since that makes me happier than sitting here
and getting free arthritis. So yeah, all in all, I feel
very dissatisfied with how I had decided to "end"
the year (it's not like I'm "ending my art career",
whatever that means), but I hope that I can start
to focus more on myself and actually have fun
doing creative work. I'll try to post more life updates
and cosplay photos whenever I see possible,
and I will continue drawing and posting artworks
if I feel like it. I just won't be as enthusiastic about
it as I always used to be.
Anyway, I hope y'all had a nice New Year and are
doing A-OK, I'll be seeing ya!