Yo what's up, been a while.
I've kinda disappeared due to
some really bad stuff that's been
going on in my life, so I couldn't
take the time to interact with people
or post anything in here.
So the situation at my house has
been a total disaster; my mother
started mistreating me and beating
me up again, and every day we're
more and more impoverished; I've
already gotten used to eating only
once a day but it's come to the point
that we have to depend on neighbors'
mercy to have something to eat. My
brother's unemployed, and I am not
getting any donations or commissions
to work on. To top it all, I got sick two
weeks ago with what we presume is
some variant of the COVID, and I
spent the last week trying to recover
without pills or medicines or even
herbal teas to drink, because my
family can't afford it.
Now, I probably may come across as
some attention-seeking rando on the
internet, exaggerating stuff and that
"there's no way I can be going through
such hardships if I'm posting it on the
internet so casually", but I can tell you
that I am not exaggerating; I am really
"hurting" for money, and at this point
I'm practically an internet beggar.
I know that I'm not famous, that I'm just
a nobody, but I'm really in need of help
and I would never turn my back to an
opportunity to work in exchange of
support. I know my drawings aren't so
detailed and high quality as other artists'
work, but I try to do my best, I really do.
Anyways, just wanted to drop by and let
y'all know my situation. I still have faith
that time will let this all pass, but a little
bit of support would really help speed
things up. It's not like I'm going to die or
anything, but might as well try asking for
help. My commissions info is on my profile
page as well as the link to my Ko-Fi.
I hope y'all are having a good night,
and I'll be seeing ya...!
P.D.: No, this is not an April Fools' joke.
I know what day it is, but I'd never josh
around with my life situation, it's really
that bad and I'm not even in the mood
for pranks, so... yeah.
Your situation is beyond depressing to me.
I've never thought someone could EVER be in a situation like your in.
I wish I could help you, I really do. I hate myself because I can't due to situations in my life. (Not really important.)
I wish the best of luck to you and that if there's anything I can do, I can at least try to assist.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the kind words,
I really appreciate them.
And don't worry, as I said,
this won't last forever and
I'm sure I'll be in a better
situation soon enough, and
if you too are going through
a hard situation in your life,
I hope that you're able to
get the best outcome of it.